First Church is a Faith Community
- Called together by God, the Creator and sustainer of life, to worship, pray and serve.
- Led by Jesus Christ, our Teacher and Savior, to learn the faith and welcome all God’s children.
- Empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness to God’s love and justice between ourselves, and throughout the world.
As a community of faith, the members of First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio, are called to witness and serve, united by their acceptance of the following mutual covenant:
We covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ and with one another and bind ourselves in the presence of God to live together in all God’s ways as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scripture.
We covenant with one another to worship, work, and serve God together so that we may express through our fellowship and our individual lives the love and faith taught by Jesus Christ.
First Church's Open & Affirming Statement

We, the members of First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio, welcome and affirm all. We believe we are all created in God’s image and called to love our neighbors as Jesus loves us. We believe we are many members, but one body in Christ, called to unite all people in God’s love. We are a community seeking God’s presence and love in our lives. We seek to unite persons of all ages, races, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, sexes, gender identities and expressions, family structures, mental, intellectual and physical conditions, economic circumstances, political, theological and faith backgrounds. Together in our diversity, and being empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit, we will “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8)
—Adopted September 8, 2002 by the congregation.
Revisions adopted January 27, 2019 by the congregation.
We encourage those considering membership to attend a “ New Members Class.” This one-session class, held several times a year, is an excellent opportunity to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and to connect with others seeking membership. Active members may vote in congregational meetings and hold congregationally-elected positions. Membership into the church is through baptism, confirmation, reaffirmation of baptism, or through a letter of transfer from another Christian church.