Calendar & Events


Coffee Hour

Sundays in Parish Hall following the 11:00 a.m. service

Coffee Hour & Coffee Sales are offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. It’s a great time to celebrate our church fellowship and connect with one another! Our Neighborhood Care Circle groups host the coffee hour and our Sacred Earth Committee sales Equal Exchange Coffee. The profits go to support small-scale farmers who protect our environment. A small percentage of the profit is spent on environmental improvements to our church property. 

Congretional Concerts + Organ Series

All Concerts are presented in the Sanctuary

  • February 5  Music at Midday
  • February 8  Family Organ Day
  • February 16  Choral Evensong
  • February 23  Organ & Orchestra Concert
  • March 16  Choral Evensong
  • March 23  Organ & Piano Concert
  • April 2  Music at Midday
  • May 4  Organ Concert
  • Mary 7  Music at Midday
  • May 18  Choral Evensong

More information is available at First Church Arts

 First Church Campanelle

Practices are held in Classroom J, the Bell Room!

Campanelle means ‘little bell’ and new bell ringers can find a way to share their love of music, and become part of a new community of musicians, learning the joy of playing handbells. The group will build coordination skills while learning various handbell techniques. A knowledge of rhythms and the ability to read music are essential for success in this new group. If you are interested in joining this new group, please contact Jennifer Fry, handbell director, by emailing

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