Opportunities for leadership and faith in action.
In this inclusive community, youth develop a faith of their own that is grounded in the progressive Christian tradition we hold dear at First Church, while remaining open and welcoming of their questions, experiences and ideas.

Faith Formation Time
We offer age-appropriate classes each Sunday morning mid-September through mid-May from 10 – 10: 50 a.m. for Middle School (Grades 6-8) and High School (Grades 9-12). In these classes we allow them to actively explore the Bible, recognize and hear varied viewpoints, and engage service projects and other opportunities for leadership.
First Church offers a year-long confirmation program for youth in eighth grade or unconfirmed youth who are 14 years or older who want to develop their own understanding of God, the church and their faith.
The Rev. Dr. Tim Ahrens, Senior Minister teaches the classes with two additional adult caleaders. The Confirmands will attend Sunday afternoon classes with the Senior Minister and a lay leader in the church. These sessions will take place both in the church using the UCC curriculum, but will also involve field trips to explore other faith traditions and religions. .
This special series of classes begins in the fall and ends with the Rite of Confirmation in May of each year. Each confirmation is assigned an adult mentor for the year who guides them in special projects as part of the class.

Youth Connections
Our middle school and high school youth group gathers each week on Sunday evenings focusing on spirituality, mission, education and fellowship. This group is focused on inclusiveness in all friendship and relationships from all schools and communities.
To foster leadership and support the budget for larger youth groups mission trips and projects, youth engage in fundraising activities throughout the year such as our annual Cabaret and Spaghetti Supper and Christmas Fudge Sales.
Youth Mission Trips
Each year our youth will participate in a mission trip through a rotation of local or urban setting. We serve the West Franklinton area of Columbus every other year. There we work with the Gladden Community House with their Senior Program. This program offers help to senior citizens with yard work, painting, and light construction. We also work in local food pantries and soup kitchens. The opposite rotation mission is usually held in a large urban setting. We have served in Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, Biloxi, Washington DC, and New York City. These areas provided us new learning to bring back to Columbus and West Franklinton. Participants must have completed the 8th grade through senior in high school.